Podejrzenia pana Whichera: Nierozerwalne wiezy 2014

Crime Drama Mystery

A divorce case involving a landowner and his young wife spirals into something darker, drawing Whicher into the heart of the English countryside where he uncovers the most disturbing and destructive of secrets.

Tutti i titoli
  • UA: The Suspicions of Mr Whicher: The Ties That Bind The Suspicions of Mr Whicher: The Ties That Bind
  • DE: Der Verdacht des Mr. Whicher: Mein Fleisch und Blut Der Verdacht des Mr. Whicher: Mein Fleisch und Blut
  • NO: Mr. Whichers mistanker: The ties that bind Mr. Whichers mistanker: The ties that bind
  • US: The Suspicions of Mr Whicher: The Ties That Bind The Suspicions of Mr Whicher: The Ties That Bind
  • UA: The Suspicions of Mr Whicher: Ties That Bind The Suspicions of Mr Whicher: Ties That Bind
Data di rilascio 23 Apr 2016
Link IMDb


Podejrzenia pana Whichera: Nierozerwalne wiezy 2014