Czarne anioły 1970


The film is based on the memoir 'In the name of the People' by Mitka Grybcheva, an activist in the anti-fascist resistance. The action takes place during the WWII and reveals the sharp clash between police power and resistance for...

Tutti i titoli
  • BG: Chernite angeli Chernite angeli
  • BG: Черните ангели Черните ангели
  • BG: Die schwarzen Engel Die schwarzen Engel
  • EU: The Black Angels The Black Angels
  • FI: Musta enkeli Musta enkeli
  • FI: Mustat enkelit Mustat enkelit
  • HU: A fekete angyalok A fekete angyalok
Data di rilascio 04 Sep 1970
Link IMDb
